If you remember the announcement the day the news broke:
““KRAKEN”, real name Porter Thomson, the original owner of the Yew Gate Mini Mall of the Red & Purple… a friend I knew since I began playing… maybe 9 or 10 years ago… died Monday, the 3rd of January 2011, from leukemia.”
EM Bennu and I had been working on this memorial for a little while. Only Thursday did we receive the final instructions from Mesanna. The design, both of Bennu and myself comprises of the main stone marker, 4 champion plants, 7 white roses from last year’s Valentines, and standard fishing net placed under the marker. This location was chosen so it may be easily visited and still be off the beaten path. In Bennu’s short time with us on Atlantic shard, this was his first memorial… along with myself. I think it came along very nice… and very tasteful. Even after these many days, the mere fact we have finally accomplished this small tribute still hits me hard that someone I knew for so long, one of the very first friends I’ve had in UO, is no longer with us… but will be with us in memory.
I invite all of you to visit the memorial for yourself, when you have the time.
News of a public memorial service will soon be announced.
I would personally like to thank all of you that have posted your wishes and memories of Porter “Kraken”. I would also like to thank our one and only Event Moderator “Bennu” and Mesanna for taking time out of her extremely busy mission dealing with the Oceania shard. I thank you guys a lot! I will also make sure Porter’s widow and his children see the tribute paid to him inside a world he enjoyed for so many years.