It's very easy to fine the town via any public moongate. Just go to Goodman’s Rune Library, on the 2nd floor, there is a book marked for Tram’s Malls. OR you can go to the Yew Tram gate, go North-East to the “Yew Gate Mall of the Red & Purple” and find a rune locked down on the step.
-*- The Red & Purple Mini Mall -*-
Primarily a vendor mall, first placed in the town clearing. The Mall also has all the dye tubs available, set for public use with dyes also locked down. There is also a small rune library including cities, tram treasure map locations, hunting spots, and other points of interest. There is a stack of GM Tinkered boxes for lock picking. And in the back of the 2nd level, is a teleporter to the rooftop garden. You would be hard pressed to find another garden as well planted.
-*- The Church of Candy of the Red & Purple -*-
The second town building placed in our clearing, in it's second position… the Church of Candy was designed long before we had candy in our world and was ready for the grave markers long before they arrived. Even Along with the bats that live in the belfry… this building seamed to be ahead of it's time in design. As it acts for not only “a piece of eye candy”, it is a meeting space along with being available for weddings.
-*- The Imperial Palace and Dungeon museum -*-
After a long negotiation, this custom house replaced the long standing full tower that sat in it's place. The 4th house placed in our little clearing in the forest. This is the primary home of key Empire officers along with being a public museum from the dungeon to the roof. You will want to take your time and explore, because there are surprises you may never see again in the modest collection.
-*- The R&P Savings & Loan -*-
This building in our town is designed to serve the younger players of our community with more common goods they may need. It features a banking lobby, vault, offices, and reading room. This building being the last building placed in our town.
-*- The Plant Shop of the Red & Purple -*-
Originally placed as park and cargo exchange hub… the 3rd placed house is the latest remodeled into a dedicated shop of plants and plant related goods. A true specialty shop.